WOD: Monday 11/01/2016
8 Week Training Block @ Mt Gambier Aquatic Centre.
Thursdays @ 5.30pm - Commencing 21st of January.
Minimum 6 people - Maximum 10 people.
Cost $100 - Covers 1 weekly session at pool + program + instructor - First few sessions will be with a trained Adult Swim Instructor who will help you work on your technique including stroke, breathing and anything else you may need a hand with. They will continue to check in with you over the 8 weeks as well depending on your needs. You will also have a training program for the 8 weeks that we will individualise depending on your goals.
First in will secure spots - Email adamandeve@bluelakecrossfit.com.au or Text - 0427345917 to book your place.
Spend 15 Minutes building to today's 2-3 RM Bench Press
In teams of two, alternate full rounds and complete 5 each of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/32 kg)
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
20 Min Cap
Post weights and times to comments.