WOD: Wednesday 9/09/2015
Muscle Up Progressions
Beginners: C2B PU/RD's/Pass Throughs
Intermediate: Kipping on Rings/Ring PU's/Jumping MU
Advanced: 5 sets x 3-5 MU/3 Sec Pause in RD position
10 Min AMRAP
20 Ground to Over Shoulder (30lb/50lb)
10 Front Squats (40kg/60kg)
then 2 Mins Max Effort Muscle ups OR Ring Dips
Post rounds & reps completed to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
Clean and jerk 15-12-9 reps
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.