WOD: Tuesday 29/09/2015

Hang Cleans
Spend 15 Mins practicing both Hang Power Cleans & Hang Squat Cleans


Complete as many times as possible in 15 Mins with Rest
30 Double Unders
10 Clean & Jerk
200m Farmers Carry
Rest 1 Min

Post weights and rounds completed to comments.

Complete the following for max efforts:
7mins Burpee Box Overs (20''/24'')
Rest 3mins
7mins Power Cleans (30kg/40kg)
Rest 3mins
7mins Row/Assault Bike for Calories
Rest 3mins
7mins Farmers Carry for max distance (16kg/24kg)

High Hang Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch + Low Hang Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 2 x 80%, 90%, 95%
Alternate Between:
1) Back Squat: 6 x 5
2) Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 6 x 5

Introducing Barbell's official logo. Stay tuned for t-shirts in the very near future. Want to learn how to lift heavier, move faster, get stronger? Contact us about Blue Lake Barbell - specialising in Olympic and Power Lifting.

Introducing Barbell's official logo. Stay tuned for t-shirts in the very near future. Want to learn how to lift heavier, move faster, get stronger? Contact us about Blue Lake Barbell - specialising in Olympic and Power Lifting.

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