WOD: Friday 14/08/2015
IMPORTANT: It will be only OPEN GYM Friday arvo from 5pm-6.30pm. No official class will be on but you will be able to come in and hit the WOD or catch up on one you have missed. Jo will be holding the fort whilst we attend the Women's in Business Regional & Development Gala Awards Dinner. Eve is stoked to be nominated in the Community Leader Category!!
5 Mins to Find a Heavy OHS
5 Mins to Find a Heavy Front Squat
5 Mins to Find a Heavy Back Squat
then Drop 10-20kg off weight and do two max sets of Back Squats
3 Rounds of:
10 Snatch (40kg/60kg)
200m Run
10 Min Cap
Team Finisher....
Post weights and times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:
Run 800 meters
80 squats
8 muscle-ups