WOD: Tuesday 1/09/2015

Tabata - Burpees

Push Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5


Complete the workout below in the following format:
AMRAP 3 Mins
Rest 1 Min
AMRAP 6 Mins
Rest 1 Min
Complete for time
10 Pistols
20 Ring Dips
30 Power Cleans (40kg/60kg)
40 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50 Ball Slams (30lb/50lb)

Post weights and reps and times to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
20 Min - Row for Distance

1) 7 x Pause Snatch First Pull + Pause Snatch (full) - 3sec pause
Alternate between:
a) 6 x 6 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
b) 6 x 3 Pause Back Squat - 3sec pause at absolute bottom

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