WOD: Tuesday 28/07/2015

EMOM 12 Mins - Alternating
Min 1: 5-10 Toes to Bar
Min 2: 10-15 Box Jumps


In Partners:
20 Min AMRAP
Whilst one partner Runs 400m the other partner accumulates as many Ball Slams as possible.
Score is total Ball Slams.

Post reps completed to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (25kg/35kg)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (25kg/35kg)
Row (Calories)

1) Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 2x85%, 90%
Alternate between:

a) Back Squat: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 3@80%, 2@90%, 2@95%
b) Deadlift: 6 x 3 - heaviest possible

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