WOD: Friday 10/04/2015

Don't forget - BRING A FRIEND SESSION - Saturday 9am!

Overhead Squat


5 Rounds for Time:
20m Walking Lunge with DB
10 KB Swings
5 OHS/Snatch

15 Min Cap.

3 Sets Max Effort Strict Pull Ups

Post weights and times to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Row 250m
Row 500m
Row 750m
Row 1000m
Rest 1:1 after each effort then:
Complete 50 Burpees for time.

ALL the best to this LEGEND Izzy for tomorrow (Saturday) as she heads in to Surgery in Adelaide!! Miss you mate - know you will be back better than ever very soon!!

ALL the best to this LEGEND Izzy for tomorrow (Saturday) as she heads in to Surgery in Adelaide!! Miss you mate - know you will be back better than ever very soon!!

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