WOD: Tuesday 10/03/2015

Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3
In between sets - practice your Double Unders


5 Rounds for Max Reps
30 secs Thrusters (35kg/52.5kg)
30 secs Rest
30 secs Double Unders
30 secs Rest

Post weights and reps to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Warm up well !!!
Sprint 100m x 10
Rest 1-2 Mins between efforts


1) Work to a 3RM Power Snatch for the day - 12mins
2) Work to a 3RM Power Clean and Push Jerk for the day - 12mins
Alternate between:
a) Front Squat 1×5@50%, 1×5@60%, 1×3@70%, 1×3@75%, 2×3@80%, 1×5@70%
b) 7 x 3 Push Press - heaviest possible

9 am Meditation post WOD...

9 am Meditation post WOD...

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