WOD: Monday 16/03/2015
Alternate between:
4 x 5 Rep Bench Press
4 x 5 Rep Ring Rows
AMRAP 8 Mins
12 One Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
10 Ball Slams
8 Squat Jumps
Straight into:
6 Mins to find a 2RM Front Squat (From Racks)
Post weights and rounds to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
Row 1000m x 5
Rest 1:1
Well done to all those that competed in the Beachport Triathlon on Sunday!! Especially Carmie, Pratty & Jim that were AMAZING and did the whole Challenge Course!! (550m Swim, 27km Bike, 6km Run) Total legends!!