WOD: Monday 16/03/2015

Alternate between:
4 x 5 Rep Bench Press
4 x 5 Rep Ring Rows


AMRAP 8 Mins
12 One Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
10  Ball Slams
8 Squat Jumps

Straight into:
6 Mins to find a 2RM Front Squat (From Racks)

Post weights and rounds to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Row 1000m x 5
Rest 1:1

Well done to all those that competed in the Beachport Triathlon on Sunday!! Especially Carmie, Pratty & Jim that were AMAZING and did the whole Challenge Course!! (550m Swim, 27km Bike, 6km Run) Total legends!!

Well done to all those that competed in the Beachport Triathlon on Sunday!! Especially Carmie, Pratty & Jim that were AMAZING and did the whole Challenge Course!! (550m Swim, 27km Bike, 6km Run) Total legends!!

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