WOD: Tuesday 8/12/2015

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Strict Press x 3-5 reps (Tempo)
Rest 2-3 minutes
If you achieve 5 successful reps, increase the load in the next set.


AMRAP 12 Mins
6 Strict Handstand Push Ups
9 Ring Dips
12 Toes to Bar

(Don't forget all your scaling options for Handstand Push Ups - Restricted Range/Handstands/Wall Climbs/Strict Press etc!!)

Post weights and rounds completed to comments.

Had a great time for our CrossFit Kids last session for 2015 Monday arvo - Swimming + BBQ - what more can you want?? Congratulations to our CF Kids for an awesome Term 4 - see you in 2016!!

Had a great time for our CrossFit Kids last session for 2015 Monday arvo - Swimming + BBQ - what more can you want?? Congratulations to our CF Kids for an awesome Term 4 - see you in 2016!!

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