WOD: Saturday 24/10/2015
***Come and try CrossFit for FREE at our regular 9am class and/or at our 10am Barbell class. All ages and fitness levels welcome. See you there!!!***
Push Jerk
10 Min AMRAP
10 Push Ups
10 Push Jerk
10 Frunges (Front Rack Lunges - at same weight as Push Jerk)
Post weights and rounds completed to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week:
2 Rounds for time:
Run 1,000m
25 Power Snatch (30kg/40kg)
50 Weighted Lunges (30kg/40kg)
Row 1,000m
1) 1RM Clean and Jerk - 30mins
2) 1RM Back Squat - 30mins