WOD: Tuesday 14/10/2014
6 Back Squat + 6 Alternating Lunges with same bar
6 sets - rest 2 mins between sets - aim is to add weight each set
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Sec L-Sit Hold
15 Deadlifts
5 Wall Climbs
Post weights and times to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Tech: 2 Snatch (Full): 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 80% (no longer than 20mins)
Alternate between the following:
a) 5 x 3 Snatch Pulls - work to heavy 3 rep set
b) 5 x 3 Pause Front Squats - work to heavy 3 rep set
Accessory work:
3 x ME set of Weighted Glute Ham Raises
6 sets - rest 2 mins between sets - aim is to add weight each set
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Sec L-Sit Hold
15 Deadlifts
5 Wall Climbs
Post weights and times to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Tech: 2 Snatch (Full): 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 80% (no longer than 20mins)
Alternate between the following:
a) 5 x 3 Snatch Pulls - work to heavy 3 rep set
b) 5 x 3 Pause Front Squats - work to heavy 3 rep set
Accessory work:
3 x ME set of Weighted Glute Ham Raises