WOD: Saturday 4/10/2014
REMINDER: The Box is CLOSED Monday 6/10 for the Public Holiday.
Split Jerk
12 Min AMRAP
5 Push Press
7 Toes to Bar
9 Wall Balls
EMOM during AMRAP complete 3 (beginners) or 5 (advanced) Burpees
Post weights and rounds to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Snatch from Blocks (just above knee) - heaviest possible
Then: 1 @ 90%, 1 @ 80%
Strength - Alternate between the following:
5 x 5 Pause Front Squats (3sec pause at absolutely bottom) - heaviest possible
5 x 1:00min Handstand Hold
4 x 3 Pendlay Rows - heaviest possible
Split Jerk
12 Min AMRAP
5 Push Press
7 Toes to Bar
9 Wall Balls
EMOM during AMRAP complete 3 (beginners) or 5 (advanced) Burpees
Post weights and rounds to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Snatch from Blocks (just above knee) - heaviest possible
Then: 1 @ 90%, 1 @ 80%
Strength - Alternate between the following:
5 x 5 Pause Front Squats (3sec pause at absolutely bottom) - heaviest possible
5 x 1:00min Handstand Hold
4 x 3 Pendlay Rows - heaviest possible