WOD: Saturday 1/11/2014

Good Luck to All our Athlete's competing at The Fittest in the South West competition in Hamilton over the weekend!!

Power Clean 
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

AMRAP 5 Mins
10 Wall Balls
10 Sit ups/ V-ups
10 Power Cleans

Rest 2 Mins

Repeat above AMRAP

Post weights and rounds to comments. 

Blue Lake Barbell

Tech: Snatch from Blocks
Build to a heavy single rep for the day then 1 @ 95%, 1 @ 90%

Strength: Alternate between the following
a) Back Squat: 70%, 75%, 80%, 82.5%, 85%
b) Snatch grip BTN Push Press: 5 x 3 - heaviest possible

3 x 8 Strict Ring Dips