WOD: Friday 4/10/2013
IMPORTANT: Saturday morning class is 0700-0800 Open Gym!! Just getting you prepared for Daylight Savings.... Also the only Monday class will be 1630-1830 Open Gym. Enjoy the long weekend & be safe!!
Spend 15mins building up to a heavy 2 rep Hang Power Snatch.
Spend 15mins building up to a heavy 2 rep Hang Power Snatch.
In 3 mins complete:
12 Box Jumps (20’’/24’’)
12 Toes to Bar
Max Effort Hang Power Snatch in remaining time (30kg/42.5kg)
Complete 5 rounds with no rest in between for total Max Effort Hang Power Snatch. After each 3min block move straight back to Box Jumps.
Post weights and reps completed to comments.