WOD: Saturday 13/04/2013
The 0800 class has been shifted to 1200 - 1300 today for the Blue Lake CrossFit 1 Year Birthday Party WOD.
Its a surprise...You don't want to miss this one - get in here and help us celebrate!
20min AMRAP – In partners…
1730 - 1830
Drinks and nibbles at the box to go through the 2013 CrossFit Open achievements and wrap up. All welcome (partners, family, friends, etc.).
1830 - late
Tea at Jens Hotel followed by partying rxd style.
The 0800 class has been shifted to 1200 - 1300 today for the Blue Lake CrossFit 1 Year Birthday Party WOD.
Its a surprise...You don't want to miss this one - get in here and help us celebrate!
20min AMRAP – In partners…
2 Rope Climbs (2 x G2S each)
20 Clean and Jerk (40kg/60kg)
20 Clean and Jerk (40kg/60kg)
20 Burpees
40 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
40m Farmers Carry (32kg/48kg)
2 Muscle Ups
One partner working at a time – every time you hear the call
of “Happy Birthday” the partner who isn’t working must Run 200m, the partner
who is working continues through the WOD.
1730 - 1830
Drinks and nibbles at the box to go through the 2013 CrossFit Open achievements and wrap up. All welcome (partners, family, friends, etc.).
1830 - late
Tea at Jens Hotel followed by partying rxd style.