WOD: Saturday 23/02/2013
In Partners - Complete the following for time:
Two rounds of:
100m Partner Carry
25 Kettlebell Swings
25 Burpees
Return around marker in water
(One athlete doing KB & Burpees and the other doing burpees)
Two rounds of:
100m Partner Carry
25 Kettlebell Snatch
25 Jumping Squats
Return around marker in water
(One athlete doing KB Snatch & Squats and the other doing burpees)
100m Walking Lunge
25 Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
Return around marker in water
(Both athletes working in last round)
Post times to comments.
In Partners - Complete the following for time:
Two rounds of:
100m Partner Carry
25 Kettlebell Swings
25 Burpees
Return around marker in water
(One athlete doing KB & Burpees and the other doing burpees)
Two rounds of:
100m Partner Carry
25 Kettlebell Snatch
25 Jumping Squats
Return around marker in water
(One athlete doing KB Snatch & Squats and the other doing burpees)
100m Walking Lunge
25 Push Ups
25 Sit Ups
Return around marker in water
(Both athletes working in last round)
Post times to comments.