WOD: Wednesday 21/11/2012
Team WOD
In teams of 3 athletes complete the following three challenges:
Challenge 1: For Time - Complete 60 Burpees
- Whilst one athlete is doing burpees
- One athlete must hold in the bottom of a squat
- One athlete must be resting
(Team decides how to split work to be done)
then as a team run 1 lap of the block (1.2km) carrying a sandbag (20-25kg)
Challenge 2: For Time - Complete 60 Power Snatch
- Whilst one athlete is doing Power Snatch
- One athlete must hold in the plank
- One athlete must be resting
(Team decides how to split work to be done)
then as a team complete 12 Wall Climbs (athletes can work at the same time for Wall Climbs)
Challenge 3: AMRAP Double Unders
- Whilst completing 6 rounds of 20m Overhead Walking Lunge accumulate as many double unders as possible
- One athlete must be resting
Score is total Double Unders completed by team
Post results to comments.
In teams of 3 athletes complete the following three challenges:
Challenge 1: For Time - Complete 60 Burpees
- Whilst one athlete is doing burpees
- One athlete must hold in the bottom of a squat
- One athlete must be resting
(Team decides how to split work to be done)
then as a team run 1 lap of the block (1.2km) carrying a sandbag (20-25kg)
Challenge 2: For Time - Complete 60 Power Snatch
- Whilst one athlete is doing Power Snatch
- One athlete must hold in the plank
- One athlete must be resting
(Team decides how to split work to be done)
then as a team complete 12 Wall Climbs (athletes can work at the same time for Wall Climbs)
Challenge 3: AMRAP Double Unders
- Whilst completing 6 rounds of 20m Overhead Walking Lunge accumulate as many double unders as possible
- One athlete must be resting
Score is total Double Unders completed by team
Post results to comments.