WOD: Monday 25/01/2016
AUSTRALIA DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY - Tuesday 26th - Opening Hours
*Note - no regular classes - see below*
8 AM - Open Gym
9 AM - Hero WOD
10 AM - FREE BBQ, Music & Good times - All members, friends & family welcome. RSVP on Facebook here.
Every 2 Mins, for 12 Mins (6 sets of):
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
10 Min AMRAP:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (47.5kg/70kg)
10 Box Jumps (20″/24")
15 Kettlebell Swings (16 kg/24kg)
EMOM 6 Mins:
Min 1 – 5-6 Supine Ring Rows @ 5112
Min 2 – 25m Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Carry each arm
Post weights and rounds completed to comments.
This week we wish Sam all the best as he moves to Canberra to pursue his career in the Australian Defence Force!! A young bloke with a bright future - we will miss you!! :).