WOD: Saturday 20/06/2015

***Reminder - 9:00am is our FREE come and try session!***

Front Squat


12min AMRAP
8 Front Squats (30kg/40kg)
8 Push Ups
Run 200m

Post weights and rounds to comments.

Blue Lake Barbell
1) 2 x Clean (full) - Unbroken @ 1x50%, 1x60%, 1x70%, 2x80%, 2x85%, 1x90%
2) 5 x 5 Clean Grip High Pulls - h.p.
3) 5 x 3 Clean Grip Behind the Neck Push Press - h.p.

Endurance WOD:

For time:
Run 2.4km
Then, 8 rounds of:
19 pull-ups
19 push-ups
19 burpees
400-metre sandbag carry (heavy)
1.6km Farmers carry with 20kg/15kg dumbbells

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