WOD: Saturday 14/03/2015

Spend 12 Mins building up to a heavy 3 Rep Thruster


AMRAP 10 Mins
3 Thrusters
3 Burpee-Box-Overs
6 Thrusters
6 Burpee-Box-Overs
9,9 - 12,12 - 15,15 etc....

Post weights and times to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Warm Up Well!!!
10 x 100m Sprints
Rest 1-2 Mins between efforts

1) 7 x 2 Pause Snatch - Heaviest Possible in 12 Mins
2) 7 x 2 Pause Cleans + Jerk - Heaviest Possible in 12 Mins
Alternate between the following:
5 x 3 Snatch Balance
5 x 5 Pause Clean High Pulls

15.3 - Blue Lake CrossFit

15.3 - Blue Lake CrossFit

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