WOD: Thursday 26/02/2015

The CrossFit Open Start's TOMORROW @ Blue Lake CrossFit!!

Alternate between:
4 x 5 C2B Pull Ups + 5 Pull Ups
4 x 80m Prowler Push (heaviest possible) - high bar to low bar


12 Min AMRAP
12 Ball Slams
40 Double Unders
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (15kg/20kg)

Post weights and rounds to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Swim 100m x 6
Rest as needed between sets

Shoulders & Downstream Arm (Elbows, Forearms, Wrists)


Sam and Paul getting it done..... Sometimes ;)!

Sam and Paul getting it done..... Sometimes ;)!

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