WOD: Saturday 28/02/2015

CrossFit Open Workout 15.1

15.1 - As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 9 Minutes of:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts (35kg/52kg)
5 Snatch (35kg/52kg)

Straight into:
15.1A - 6 Mins to Establish a 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk

Post rounds and weights to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Swim 100m x 6

Rest as needed between sets

Work to a 1RM Snatch for the day - 12mins
Work to a 2RM Clean and Jerk for the day - 12mins
Alternate between:
a) Back Squat 5 x 3 - heaviest possible
b) Push Press 5 x 3 - heaviest possible

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