WOD: Tuesday 6/10/2015

WOD Tech
The Basics - Wall Balls & Box Jumps


5 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
30 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
30 Box Jumps (20"/24")

35 Min Time Cap.

Compare to last time here.

Post times to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
4 Efforts - Each for time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
Rest 5 Mins between efforts

3 Hang Squat Cleans - Heaviest Possible - 20 mins
Alternate between:
6 x 3 Deadlifts
6 x 3 Split Jerk

Forget your training shoes??.... doesn't stop Sez!!!

Forget your training shoes??.... doesn't stop Sez!!!

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