Wednesday 7/01/2015 - BOX CLOSED

Happy Hump Day!!

Some Wednesday reading for you all about the awesome weekend just gone!!

CrossFit Competition Judging – My Experience as a First Timer

Last weekend I had the pleasure of a new experience in my CrossFit journey - My first time judging at a CrossFit competition at the S.O.S Partner Competition in Warrnambool.

I find that since I started CrossFit that I seem to place myself in situations with a bit of a leap of faith. The plan was to be competing but circumstances changed and as I would be there as support crew for our Box competitors I thought I could help out in some other way – that and I can’t sit still so I’m much better having jobs to do!!

I was a bit nervous thinking – damn I hope I don’t stuff this up! As it turned out – it was one of the best weekends I have been involved in.

I met so many great athletes – all different shapes & sizes, ages & abilities, from many different CrossFit affiliates – but the one thing that they had in common was that they gave it their all! The feats of some of the athletes had me cheering & at times shaking my head with amazement. It wasn’t just the “top” athletes that were impressive. I judged countless people that lifted weights they had never attempted or did movements they had never tried. There was only one word to describe it – Awesome! Even though I was their judge I felt that I was there to help them get through the epic WODs not just make sure they were meeting the correct movement standards. Knowing what it is like to be pushing yourself to the limit definitely helped me be there for them – as I know my judges have been there for me in the past!

Besides the amazing experience of judging the athletes – It was also having the pleasure of meeting the other judges and all the people that put together the competition in the first place.

Paul, Ilona and all the crew from CrossFit Warrnambool are seriously the A Team. From the outset were ridiculously nice and appreciative. I was just stoked to be involved – I wasn’t really thinking about much else. Not only did they make me feel so welcome but they also FED all of the volunteers – FOR FREE!! Anyone that knows me knows that the way to my heart is definitely through my stomach. A little thing I know – as a volunteer you volunteer your time for free and don’t expect payment of any type but the kindness and genuine appreciation for my help and the help of the other volunteers was shown time and time again.

I couldn’t believe how tired I was on Saturday night after the first day!! I had been counting double unders almost non-stop for a few hours in the afternoon and I swear that my brain felt like mush!! I was sitting there complaining about how tired I was whilst my husband (who was competing) was hobbling around just trying to get his quads functioning again. I slept a solid 8 hours as if I had done all those reps as well!

Don’t get me wrong – it’s not all Paleo Bars & Almond milk coffees!! As a small female it can feel a little weird to walk up to two giant blokes and introduce yourself as their judge or tell them that their chest to bar pull up was a no rep! The thing I found in this situation was usually that the bigger the bloke the more they were like a teddy bear - A big CrossFitting scary teddy bear but a teddy bear none the less! All the athletes I judged had the utmost respect for me – although they didn’t know that it was my first time judging – I was almost as scared as they were!

It also takes a lot of concentration. It is very important not to get distracted because really – you just don’t want to lose count! That and the athletes are relying on you to get it right… they seriously wouldn’t want to do another rep because you can’t count properly. It’s also tricky as each person has a different style or movement pattern and this can make judging standards a bit harder – luckily there are also head judges circulating that will come and give you assistance if you need it or if you are being a bit too lenient on people.

As a CrossFitter – there is definitely the pressure at times to compete. I know as a Box owner there is often an expectation of ability and maintaining a certain level of skill and of course to lead by example. I know for myself that this is often so difficult to maintain whilst trying to run an affiliate, Coach full time and then somewhere in there keep up a manageable social/family life without everybody disowning you as a family member & friend. The first thing to go is often your own training or personal goals. It’s why my Handstand Push Ups aren’t improving – why I haven’t broken that 60kg Snatch & why I just can’t seem to row any faster!

What I am trying to get at is that after spending a weekend judging and helping out I realised once again – I don’t have to compete to be involved. I don’t have to be Rich Froning or Camille Le-Blanc Bazinet! I can have as much fun, meet so many people and feel just as buggered as if I were competing and at the same time I have the satisfaction of knowing that I have helped out both my fellow athletes and CrossFit community.

The last thing that I will say about my first judging experience was that at the end of it all – one lovely lady that I judged approached me - She said I had a very calming influence and that it helped her not panic during the WODs and then thanked me. It was all I could to not burst into tears! It was so nice to know that I had made a positive difference in someone’s competition experience. As if I needed any more reasons to nominate last weekend as one of the best weekends ever!

Congratulations to all the competitors, volunteers, organisers, sponsors for a fantastic weekend and if you are thinking about putting yourself out there and competing or volunteering – I say do it!! Also – another big thanks to Paul, Ilona & the CrossFit Warrnambool team – you put on an awesome show & look forward to being there again next year!

Eve Maywald
Owner/Head Coach
Blue Lake CrossFit
Mount Gambier S.A


I don't always look this crazy.... Or do I??

This is a personal experience story only. It is based on reflections of my own experiences and opinions. It has had no input from any other person. Any critiques, criticism or comments should be directed solely to myself.

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